
#The most efficient and safe lending on Aptos

It is crucial to verify the presence of deposited assets serving as collateral before proceeding with any borrowing activities. The maximum borrowing capacity is determined by factors such as

  • The value of the deposited assets.

  • The nature of the asset you intend to borrow against.

  • The level of liquidity that is currently available.

Once you have successfully deposited your assets as collateral, navigate to the main page where you will find a selection of assets available for borrowing.

Take your time to carefully choose the assets that best suit your borrowing needs.

To borrow against your asset, simply click on the "borrow" button next to the asset you have deposited. And input the amount that you would like to borrow using number input, half/max or the slider.

Activate E-mode to enhance LTV located in the upper right corner of the page.

Last updated