
#The most efficient and safe lending on Aptos

The protocol's liquidity is determined by the assets available for essential operations like borrowing against collateral and claiming supplied assets with accrued yield, a crucial metric to prevent operational blockages.

The protocol's liquidity status can be evaluated at any given time by examining the utilization ratio, which indicates the proportion of reserves currently borrowed compared to the total supply of each asset within the protocol.

A liquidation process is triggered when a borrower's risk factor goes above 1, indicating that their collateral no longer adequately covers their loan or debt value. The risk factor represents the ratio of the collateral's value to the loan's value, serving as a crucial indicator of the borrower's financial stability. A decrease in the collateral value or an increase in the debt value can cause this ratio to increase, heightening the risk of a liquidation event.

Key Concepts

  1. Risk Factor:

    • The risk factor is a numerical representation of the risk of a borrower's loan position.

    • A risk factor above 1 means the position is undercollateralized and at risk of liquidation.

    • Risk factor formula:

  2. Triggering Liquidation:

    • Liquidation is triggered when the risk factor goes above 1.

    • This can happen if the collateral value decreases or the debt value increases.

Liquidation Process Steps

  1. Calculate Up to 50% Debt Repayment:

    • In a liquidation event, up to 50% of the borrower's debt is repaid using the collateral.

  2. Calculate Liquidation Fee:

    • A liquidation fee is added to the value of the debt being repaid. This fee compensates liquidators and covers the costs of the liquidation process.

  3. Deduct Collateral:

    • The total value (debt repayment + liquidation fee) is taken from the collateral.

    • After liquidation, the amount deducted from the borrower's collateral is used to repay the liquidated portion of the debt.

Example 1: Deposit stAPT to borrow APT

Let's consider a borrower with the following details:

Initial Situation ( in condition 1 APT = 1 stAPT )

  • Collateral Value: 1000 stAPT

  • Debt Value: 750 APT

  • Liquidation Threshold: 80%

  • Liquidation Fee: 5%

Triggering Event

The value of the collateral decreases, leading to the following situation:

  • New Collateral Value as collateral decrease: 600 stAPT

Liquidation Trigger

The decrease in collateral value causes the risk factor to goes above 1, triggering liquidation.

Liquidation Process

  1. Calculate 50% Debt Repayment:

    • Debt to Repay: 50% of 750 APT = 375 APT

  2. Calculate Liquidation Fee:

    • Liquidation Fee: 5% of 375 APT = 18.75 APT

  3. Total Amount Deducted from Collateral:

    • Total Deduction: 375 APT (Debt Repayment) + 18.75 APT (Liquidation Fee) = 393.75 APT

Post-Liquidation Position

After the liquidation, the new values are:

  • Remaining Collateral: 600 stAPT - 393.75 APT = 206.25 stAPT

  • Remaining Debt: 750 APT - 375 APT = 375 APT

Adjusted Scenario: Deposit multiple assets to borrow one asset

Depositing stAPT and USDC to Borrow APT

Initial Situation: ( in condition 1 APT = 1 stAPT )

  • Collateral Value (stAPT): 500 stAPT

  • Collateral Value (USDC): 3000 USDC

  • Debt Value: 750 APT

  • Liquidation Threshold: 80%

  • Liquidation Fee: 5%

Triggering Event: Collateral Value Decreases

The value of both stAPT and USDC collateral decreases, leading to the following situation:

  • New Collateral Value (stAPT) as collateral decrease : 300 stAPT

  • Collateral Value (USDC) as collateral remains the same : 3000 USDC

Liquidation Trigger

Despite the decrease in the collateral's value, the combined value of stAPT and USDC falls below the liquidation threshold, triggering liquidation.

Liquidation Process

  • Debt to Repay: 50% of 750 APT = 375 APT

  • Liquidation Fee: 5% of 375 APT = 18.75 APT

Total Amount Deducted from Collateral: 393.75 APT

Post-Liquidation Position

After the liquidation, the new values are:

  • Remaining Collateral (stAPT): 300 stAPT

  • Remaining Collateral (USDC): 3000 USDC

  • Remaining Debt: 375 APT


  • Before Liquidation:

    • Collateral (stAPT): 500 stAPT

    • Collateral (USDC): 3000 USDC

    • Debt: 750 APT

    • Risk Factor < 1 (Safe)

  • After Liquidation:

    • Collateral (stAPT): 300 stAPT

    • Collateral (USDC): 3000 USDC

    • Debt: 375 APT

    • Liquidation Penalty Paid: 18.75 APT

Last updated