Efficiency mode

Expand credit to correlated pairs

The e-Mode, also known as the High Efficiency mode feature, has been specifically created to optimize capital efficiency in situations where collateral and borrowed assets share a correlation in price.

This feature comes equipped with various risk management parameters such as

  • Loan to Value (LTV)

  • Liquidation threshold

  • Liquidation bonus

  • The option to utilize a custom price oracle for added flexibility and control.

For more detailed information regarding risk management parameters, please refer to the following link.

E-mode allows users to optimize capital efficiency by leveraging assets with correlated prices for collateral and borrowing purposes.

For example:

When e-Mode is activated, the protocol permits users to provide stAPT and take out APT with a loan-to-value ratio from 70% to exceeding 90%.

How to check asset status on Meso Finance?

  1. On Meso landing page, click on "Market" on the top middle of the page.

  1. In this page, your will see current Market size, Total Borrowed, percentage of lend out and your current borrowed status. To know more about asset status, click on the asset name

How to Enable eMode on Meso Finance?

  1. E-Mode allows users to maximize their loan-to-value ratio for specific asset categories up to 90%.

  2. Navigate to the โ€œBorrowโ€ tab.

  3. Click on โ€œEnable E-Modeโ€.

  1. Choose the desired asset category (APT correlated ).

  2. Activate โ€œE-Modeโ€.

  3. Review the transaction details and confirm.

Last updated