Safety module

#The most efficient and safe lending on Aptos

In Meso Finance, the Safety Module (SM) serves as the primary mechanism for safeguarding the protocol and ensuring its resilience in the face of potential Shortfall Events within the liquidity markets.

The Safety Module is defined by the following components:

  1. Token Locking: Participants in the Safety Module lock tokens into a Smart Contract-based component, effectively committing their assets to secure the protocol.

  2. Risk Mitigation: The locked tokens within the Safety Module serve as a mitigation tool in the event of a Shortfall Event within the liquidity markets. These tokens can be utilized to address deficits and stabilize the protocol.

  3. Incentivization: Participants who lock their tokens into the Safety Module are incentivized to do so through rewards, known as Safety Incentives (SI). These rewards encourage token holders to actively contribute to the security and stability of the protocol.

  4. Auction Mechanism: In the event of a Shortfall Event, a portion of the locked tokens within the Safety Module may be auctioned on the market to address the deficit. This auction mechanism helps to ensure the protocol's continued operation and stability.

  5. Backstop Mechanism: The Safety Module includes a built-in backstop mechanism to regulate the flow of tokens into the market. This mechanism helps to prevent excessive dilution of the token's value and ensures the stability of the ecosystem.


It encompasses several key components:

  1. Staking Mechanism: Users lock their tokens into the Safety Module, committing their assets to protect the protocol.

  2. AMM Integration: Leveraging existing Automated Market Maker (AMM) technologies, the Safety Module establishes liquidity pools, such as an x% stAPT/x% APT pool using Balancer, to deepen market liquidity for stAPT and generate earnings from locked tokens.

  3. Auction System: The Auction Module is triggered in the event of a Shortfall Event, facilitating the auctioning of locked tokens to address deficits and stabilize the protocol.

  4. Backstop Mechanism: Within the Auction Module, the Backstop Module holds pre-deposited assets, such as APT and stable-coins, with priority positions in auctions during Shortfall Events. This acts as a safety net to ensure sufficient liquidity and mitigate risks.

  5. Ecosystem Reserve: This component receives and manages fees generated from various Markets, supporting the sustainable operation and growth of the ecosystem.

  6. Oracle Integration: The Meso Finance Protocol Oracle System utilizes oracles provided by ......., to ensure reliable price data. Additionally, an emergency backup oracle run by ........ itself provides redundancy and reliability.

The primary role of the Safety Module is to safeguard the protocol against potential loss of funds arising from various risks, including:

  1. Smart Contract Risk: This encompasses the risk associated with potential bugs, design flaws, or vulnerabilities in the smart contract layer of the protocol. Such risks could expose the protocol to malicious attacks or unintended behavior.

  2. Liquidation Risk: The Safety Module helps mitigate the risk related to asset liquidation. This includes scenarios where assets used as collateral on Aave fail, liquidators are unable to capture liquidation opportunities promptly, or there is insufficient market liquidity for the repayment of principal assets.

  3. Oracle Failure Risk: There is a risk that the Oracle system, responsible for providing accurate price data, may encounter failures or delays in updating prices during extreme market conditions or network congestion. Such failures could lead to improper liquidations or inaccurate valuation of assets within the protocol.

Safety modules will be updated soon!

Last updated